Pew Forum suggests that the growth in Islam in the past 10 years is related to the birth rate. Growth will slow as the birth rate slows in countries with large Muslim populations. They suggest that the conversion rate is effectively nil as converts to Islam equal the number leaving Islam.
A 2001 study by David Barrett suggests that the conversion rate to Christianity is twice the rate of Islam.
A summary of 3 studies in 40 countries over 10 years, ending 2001, finds:
52,557 people surveyed said they used to be Christian (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) but only 48,588 say they are currently Christian; a change of -8%.
458 people surveyed said they used to be Muslim and 485 say they now are; a change of +6%.
The biggest change is the loss of former Christians to "no religious affiliation" at a rate of approximately 20% and an overall growth rate of 50% 'conversions'.
2 Corinthians--a Very Misunderstood Epistle
Many commentaries focus on Paul's defense of his ministry. Paul's main purposes have little to do with defending his ministry. The most common themes are: 1) reconciliation--between us and God, between fellow believers within the church, and between Paul and the Corinthians; 2) exhortation to ministry--Paul has been steadfast and uses his example to spur the Corinthians to look beyond their petty squabbles and reach out to the world, no matter how difficult it will be, because we have God and the rest of the world needs to be in relationship with Him. Be bold, be brave, get out of the pew!