2 Corinthians--a Very Misunderstood Epistle

Many commentaries focus on Paul's defense of his ministry. Paul's main purposes have little to do with defending his ministry. The most common themes are: 1) reconciliation--between us and God, between fellow believers within the church, and between Paul and the Corinthians; 2) exhortation to ministry--Paul has been steadfast and uses his example to spur the Corinthians to look beyond their petty squabbles and reach out to the world, no matter how difficult it will be, because we have God and the rest of the world needs to be in relationship with Him. Be bold, be brave, get out of the pew!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Biblical Business Radical: Visible Signals of Commitment, Integrity

Samson was a Nazirite, meaning he was dedicated for a special purpose of the Lord's. He abstained from drinking alcoholic drinks--which may have been safer than drinking contaminated water--and cutting his hair. He also was not allowed to touch corpses, such as preparing loved ones for burial. These not only created a discipline within him, but they were a visible sign to others through differences in behavior and appearance.

What values and visions/purpose/goals are you committed to? What visible signs does your team need to see in order to know you're committed?

If you strongly believe in teamwork and consensus building, are you abstaining from expressing opinions when the team needs to make a decision? Are you going to others rather than making them come to your office? Is your office among your staff? Do you have a cubicle like they do? Are you parking at the end of the lot instead of the front row by the front door?

Or are you communicating your 'special purpose' by the garnishments of power and prestige? How do you balance creating aspiration for your staff without flaunting status in their faces?