Who should be a 'citizen' of our kingdom? God has ordained that people like those noted above will not 'enter' the kingdom (Galatians 5.21; Ephesians 5.5). The citizens of heaven--and preferably a part of our team--are people that:
- Express fealty (as in the beginning of the Lord's prayer, acknowledging the 'chain of command' and disavowing anarchy--"No one can tell me what to do. I'm a free person.")
- Trustworthy and trusting (earned or believed until disproven)--dependable, competent, having integrity, approachable, accepting
- Forgiving as much as expecting to be forgiven
- Loving, joyful, peaceful, self-controlled, good, gentle, patient, kind--even at the top of the leadership hierarchy
- Meek and hungry for becoming a better person, a better neighbor, a better friend, a better teammate
- Peace-making--not just peace-keeping by separating those in conflict but resolving the conflicts
- Motivated by serving others and not themselves (pure in heart)
- Unperturbed by persecution, bad-mouthing, bad press unless it's justified and then they take it as an opportunity to discover how to become a better person... (see above)
- Showing mercy when desired--i.e. understanding that treating people equally can be treating them unfairly (e.g. two people who are late to work: one is a single parent with sick kids while the other was out too late partying with friends).
You might be able to add to this list. I hope that any of you with some Sunday School/Catechism experience will recognize those qualities above come from lists like the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5) and the Beatitudes (and Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7).