2 Corinthians--a Very Misunderstood Epistle

Many commentaries focus on Paul's defense of his ministry. Paul's main purposes have little to do with defending his ministry. The most common themes are: 1) reconciliation--between us and God, between fellow believers within the church, and between Paul and the Corinthians; 2) exhortation to ministry--Paul has been steadfast and uses his example to spur the Corinthians to look beyond their petty squabbles and reach out to the world, no matter how difficult it will be, because we have God and the rest of the world needs to be in relationship with Him. Be bold, be brave, get out of the pew!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Church Conflict

This may be a stretch. While evaluating strategies for dealing with church conflict, several class groups dealt with personnel issues, work/life balance for staff and volunteers, shared leadership and other areas for potential conflict. Jean Vanier in a few speeches describes that if we live in community, we live in conflict for various reasons. Others describe that conflict is inevitable and necessary for personal and community maturity.

I was struck by what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5. The earthly household of the tabernacle (epigeious...oikia tou skenous) will be battered by storms and troubles. But have no fear, He is preparing a heavenly household that is eternal. Our earthly households may split and divide. There may be struggles as we figure out how to love God and love our families and neighbors, balancing the time (does God ask us to punish our families for the kingdom?). We may judge others because our desires aren't being met. Differing values clash. We don't allow weaknesses; we need strengths to bring glory to God. We succumb to caring about ourselves (recognition, respect, security, right-ness) rather than caring for others. We have broken relationships, broken trusts, broken spirits through false perspectives of competition. We respond to unmet expectations in our habitual ways because our spirits haven't been fully transformed and filled with His spirit--revealing love, joy, peace, patience...We will work hard and endlessly at reconciliation and restoration, making peace within our walls. We groan. We are burdened. We would rather be with Him than away from Him. "So make it our goal to please Him...All this is from God who reconciled us to Him through Christ and gave us a ministry of reconciliation."

Sande and Van Yperen exhort us to be peacemakers, not peacekeepers. Peace making is hard work. Peacekeeping can be as easy as running away to a different church. Not what Christ has called us to do.

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