2 Corinthians--a Very Misunderstood Epistle

Many commentaries focus on Paul's defense of his ministry. Paul's main purposes have little to do with defending his ministry. The most common themes are: 1) reconciliation--between us and God, between fellow believers within the church, and between Paul and the Corinthians; 2) exhortation to ministry--Paul has been steadfast and uses his example to spur the Corinthians to look beyond their petty squabbles and reach out to the world, no matter how difficult it will be, because we have God and the rest of the world needs to be in relationship with Him. Be bold, be brave, get out of the pew!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

"Don't Worry, Be Happy"

Many of us remember Bobby McFerrin's hit song that everyone could sing in the prime of its airplay. Y'shua says something similar in His sermon on the mount:

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life--whether you have enough food or drink, or enough clothes to wear..." (Matthew 6.25).

The first word, 'that', refers to His previous statement that we cannot serve God and money at the same time. You need to choose your 'master'.

Later on He says, "Seek first the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously." (Matthew 6.33)

I believe this fits Maslow's Hierarchy. If we really believe God has our basic physiological needs covered (food, drink, clothes, shelter), then we can focus on our relationships of loving Him and loving others...and service (like self-actualization). Let God take care of your needs and move up on the pyramid.

Six months ago, I bought a company and some weeks the daily bread (manna) feels a little thin, but I'm really trying to do what Christ says..."don't worry about food, drink, clothes" and "seek first the kingdom of God" by focusing on doing my best to bring Him glory, focusing on the relationships with employees/customers/suppliers and serving them the best I can.

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