2 Corinthians--a Very Misunderstood Epistle

Many commentaries focus on Paul's defense of his ministry. Paul's main purposes have little to do with defending his ministry. The most common themes are: 1) reconciliation--between us and God, between fellow believers within the church, and between Paul and the Corinthians; 2) exhortation to ministry--Paul has been steadfast and uses his example to spur the Corinthians to look beyond their petty squabbles and reach out to the world, no matter how difficult it will be, because we have God and the rest of the world needs to be in relationship with Him. Be bold, be brave, get out of the pew!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Revenue from Waste

Early in my career I was charged with cleaning up the waste water effluent from the paper mill. It was pretty heavy from cellulose (wood) fibers but we had trouble disposing of it because there were some heavy metals included: zinc, manganese, etc.  Aha! If we put the dewatered sludge in a tablet press, maybe we could sell the stuff as a vitamin supplement. Not only would have some of the same stuff as multivitamins but it would have fiber and be good for the digestion...well, that was at least the crazy thought at the time.

In a recent Fast Company article, a food processing company is doing something similar. Instead putting the peels, rinds, etc into a landfill, Baldor is reusing the 'waste' as gluten-free croutons, tea infusion aids and so on. They say carrot peelings can be reformulated and sold for thirty cents per pound; instead of spending money to truck the waste, they're selling it because it's now beneficial.

Waste plastic has been reformed into furniture. And there are a hundred other ideas out there.

Are you still throwing stuff away? What's the value and can you make money off of it?

[Editor's note: This post was meant for another blog. Sorry.]

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