History is written by the victors, they say, and Nixey’s book elucidates this. While not providing any hint towards which histories are more correct than others—the canonical Gospels, the apocryphal gospels, the critical, secular historians—she does show how the various sources existed concurrently with each other (perhaps). She gives voice to those who point out the similarities between the Jesus of the Gospels and other ancient deities, wizards, magicians who also are described in extant hagiographies (or anti-hagiographies). This is not a book for the faint-of-heart/faith but for those who want to discipline and firm up their faith with logic, reason. (In one passage, Nixey suggests that the Gospel of John’s famous opening could be written, “In the beginning was Reason….”)
While citing many works that come from 3rd-, 4th- and later centuries CE (AD) that contradict the Gospels, which have been traced to the 1st century, she merely points out the paucity of earlier editions of the apocryphal gospels and critical essays. Historians have cited the multitude of purges and book-burnings. Likewise, the author makes no claims as which of the contradictory versions are more accurate. Historians know that tracing sources closest to the time period are probably more true. Just think about various versions regarding the cause(s) of the American Civil War (1860s) exist—and which ones despite their popularity might still be false. Or the Jewish Holocaust during WWII and its deniers, in less than a few decades of its occurrence. JFK assassination. The moon landing. 9/11 instigators. 2020 election fraud. These are relatively modern examples of what the ancient illiterate world had to deal with: disinformation, misinformation and truth rolling around in a mud hole, and none coming out clean. Likewise, historians have shown that such writings as the gospels of Thomas, Barnabas and so on are most likely hoaxes written by people unfamiliar with Israel’s geography, and using names more common in later centuries and places outside of Israel.
The major monotheistic religions have had to deal with accusations of suppressing alternative versions. The faithful’s retort to the accusation is, “God has ensured His word remains in its true form.” God who knows just how greedy, ambitious and manipulative we are and has chosen to trust some of pure heart will sort through the mess and help us discern the wise and helpful from the silly and destructive narratives.